Don’t Be Afraid to Fail, Be Afraid Not to Try - Lessons from Yoda and Dad (2.5 Minute Read)
When I graduated high school, my father was asked to give a speech at the convocation ceremony. While I was busy goofing around on stage...

Genetics Load the Gun...Environment Pulls the Trigger (2 minute read)
‘Genetics load the gun, environment pulls the trigger.’ This is a quotation from one of my favourite people, @brenebrown and is taken...

What Does Healthy Masculinity Mean? (Read Time - 5 min)
What is Healthy Masculinity? We have seen many changes in our society of late in how we are responding to #maleprivilege, #power, and the...

Why Should I Forgive? (Read time - 3 minutes)
'Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong' - Mahatma Ghandi. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful choices that a person can make. I...

'Baby, It's Cold Outside' and Consent (Read time: 2.5 min)
‘Baby, it’s cold outside...’ The lyrics of this #frankloesser song have been described as problematic by many and the @cbc pulled it....

Strive For Progress, Not Perfection (3.5 min read)
To really understand why progress is more important than perfection. I think first we need to understand that progress is more important...

‘I Want Love To ...’ - A Lesson in Compassion (Reading Time - 3 min)
‘I want love to … stick a knife inside me and twist it all around’ The above lyric is from a #JackWhite song titled, ‘Love Interruption.’...

Listening to Understand vs Listening to Respond (Reading Time: 4 mins)
Listen to Understand, Not to Respond One of the main issues that individuals and couples seek counselling for is #communication. This...

What is the 5 by 5 Rule and How to Use It (Reading Time: 4 minutes)
The 5 by 5 Rule ‘If it won’t matter in 5 years, do not spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it’ This was shared at an event I...

I Never Lose. I Either Win, or I Learn (Reading Time: 3 minutes)
I have always enjoyed this #quote. As a young man, I used to really experience#anxiety about life and not being enough, doing things...