Covid and Your Mental Health - Part 1 of 3 With Helpful Tips to Follow!
Check out the FULL 4 minute read HERE The following piece was written by Alexander for Optimity Rewards blog page to address mental...
How Can I Support Loved Ones During COVID-19?
The world is dealing with a drastic event that nobody was truly prepared for and is testing us in many ways. Our emotional, mental, and...
Huffington Post Media Feature on Men and Loneliness
Recently, I was contacted by a writer named Maija Kappler from Huffington Post Canada, to discuss male friendships. We had a great chat...
Guest Blog - “How Are You, Dad?”
I recently had the pleasure to meet Dr. Jill Satin and Dr. Samantha Waxman of the Well Parents Centre and they are doing some really...
How Do I Support Someone Struggling with Their Menal Health? - And Tips for Staying Mentally Health
#mentalhealth is something that we all have and deal with, and it can shift from healthier to less healthy throughout our lifetime. When...
What is Mental Health Week? Read to Accept the Challenge!
What is #mentalhealthweek? First, let’s discuss mental health in general and below I will speak more to what mental health week is and...
Why Therapy? (3 min Read)
Why therapy? This is a great question and one that I have often been asked by people in my life. There are an infinite number of reasons...
Why is International Women’s Day (IWD2019) Important? (3 min read)
Happy #internationalwomensday to everyone! This is an #importantday around the globe and one that we should all recognize. #iwd is...
I Support #Pinkshirtday
‘It can be very isolating to be the victim of any type of bullying. The danger of that isolation is that the person can feel even more...
I Think My Playlist is Sexist... (3 min read)
I think my #cleaning playlist may be #sexist ... is what I said to my partner over the weekend. It was #familyday in #ontario recently. I...