Why #MeToo Matters and the Men Who Support It


In the current climate of #MeToo this video is very topical. It’s energizing to see men seeking to have conversations about this important and sometimes polarizing topic.

The importance of men using their privilege to support those that are affected by gender inequality cannot be understated. This shouldn’t be seen as a polarizing topic.

Please take time to watch as much of this powerful video as you can. Even better, watch it with someone you love and discuss it afterwards.

If you don’t know what to say, start with ‘I believe you’ and create space for the person to feel heard. #IBelieveYou

If you’re in Toronto and looking for space to have these types of conversations, keep an eye out for our next #WolfPackYYZ event facilitated by myself and hosted by @NextGenMen

Follow Alexander on Instagram and Facebook for more.